Life Sciences Building and Centers for Molecular Medicine (Department of Neurobiology & Behavior and faculty labs; Graduate Program Office) Health Sciences Center (Biomedical Engineering, Pediatrics, Pharmacology, Physiology & Biophysics, Psychiatry) West Campus (Psychology)
Program faculty on the Stony Brook University campus are located in a complex formed
by the Life Sciences Building, Centers for Molecular Medicine (CMM) and the Health
Sciences Center. Because of the pan-departmental and pan-institutional nature of the
program, departmental members interact regularly with faculty and students from the
departments of pediatrics, physiology, psychology, psychiatry, pharmacology, and others.
The additional, ties with Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories and Brookhaven National
Laboratory provide for a rich academic environment of research and scholarship.
Molecular facilities provide for analysis of protein and DNA biochemistry, including
microsequencing, peptide mapping, synthesis of oligonucleotides and peptides, cellular
transfection, and production of transgenic animals. Wide-ranging facilities for cellular
and integrative electrophysiology exist for studies on dissociated neurons, brain
slice preparations, neurons in situ, and genetically engineered cells in culture.
Imaging facilities permit anatomical reconstruction, fluorescence measurements, and
the use of ion-sensitive indicators on both conventional and confocal microscopes.
An image analysis core is linked to a newly developed scanning and transmission electron
microscopy facility.