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Major Minor Changes
Major Minor Declaration requests can be made using this online format. Please check the appropriate term academic calendar for deadline dates.
Please follow the steps below. A printable PDF is also available.
Step 1: From within SOLAR, select the Enrollment link from within the Student Records & Registration menu |
Step 2: Select the Major/Minor Declaration Form link |
Step 3: Follow the options presented on the form to make your desired program change. For example, to declare a major, select the “Add a Major” option. Select “Next” |
Step 4: Select your current major and your intended major from the drop down menus. Select “Next” |
Step 5: If you will be declaring any specializations along with your major, select “Yes” from this menu, enter the specialization and select “Next”. If no specializations need to be added, select “No” and click “Next” |
Step 6: Click “submit” to complete your major declaration. |
*Please Note: It may take 48-72 hours for departments to approve your request and for the Office of the Registrar to process your request